All the phases of production process are the same as artisanal manufacturing. Up to three doughs and the same amount of rest periods, a long leavening of over 70 hours, a balanced cooking and the slow and relaxed natural cooling, according to the traditional method.

We leave Panettone and Colomba to cool upside down for over 6 hours: this is the secret for a harmonious and balanced development of the product and for an incomparable softness that last over time. Pandoro also has a natural cooling phase: because of the velvety softness of its paste is the very essence of Pandoro.

The quality of the materials, the elegance and the care in the realization of the packaging are essential requirements for our gift boxes.

“There is no slice without bread”. Originally there are in fact the typical loaves of golden bread, naturally leavened, cooked and left to cool during 16 hours of the “seasoning” phase. Then, they are cut into slices, which are put back into the oven for a delicate toasting.

The perfect shape, the increased thickness and the delicate golden colour of the surface are guaranteed by the careful selection of each slice.

Finally, the packaging in single portions of four pieces that guarantee a very high level of conservation and freshness of the product.

All the phases of production process are the same as artisanal lavoration. Up to three doughs interspersed with as many rest periods, a long leavening of over 70 hours, a balanced cooking and the slow and relaxed natural cooling, according to the traditional method.

We leave Panettone and Colomba to cool upside down for over 6 hours: this is the secret of a harmonious and balanced development and for an incomparable softness that last over time. Pandoro also has a natural cooling phase: because of the velvety softness of its paste is the very essence of Pandoro.

The quality of the materials, the elegance and the care in the realization of the packaging are essential requirements for our gift boxes.

“There is no slice without bread”. Originally there are in fact the typical loaves of golden bread, naturally leavened, cooked and left to cool during 16 hours of the “seasoning” phase. Then, they are cut into slices, which are put back into the oven for a delicate toasting.

The perfect shape, the increased thickness and the delicate golden colour of the surface are guaranteed by the careful selection of each slice.

Finally, the packaging in single portions of four pieces that guarantee a very high level of conservation and freshness of the product.